Help Center & FAQ

How to use an AI-writer assistant? How does Thundercontent work? All questions you may have about Thundercontent are answered here. If there are any missing, please let us know.

⭐️ Frequently asked questions

What is the advantage of taking a one-year licence now?

The objective is to be able to exchange with our customers on the evolution of Thundercontent, but for that we need commitment and that's why we encourage you to take a one-year licence. We will develop the features YOU need by discussing with you.

What does one credit represent and how do you count credits?

One credit corresponds to one character sent and one character received for the generation of your content. It also corresponds to one character used for instant translation. Buying a license now will give you more credit than future offers (extra credit is offered for those who take the license now).

What is the quality of the production?

According to our customers' feedback, our technology can produce good quality content on any type of subject, accurately. With a style, as a comparison, of a good student at the end of high school.

Why should I take Thundercontent, rather than a freelancer or agency?

To save money and time. Look at the price of a freelancer or agency and compare with our rates. Finally, compare the quality delivered. Now, get a Thundercontent license.